Woo...been a long time since I've been here. Glad to be back.
In short, moved to Dallas, got a promotion at work...it's kind of lonely down here! I underestimated friends and family. Anyway...things are going good enough to get by.
Update later.
God damn I've been stressed out lately...I'm up for a promotion...only one store opening is coming up and I had a reputable person tell me yesterday I probably won't be getting that opening...there's two other people that the boss thinks are better or he "owes something to", because they've been overlooked by him before. We've never really gotten along in the past, I wound up in this training program with the help of regional people, vice presidents and such.
All this means is that I might have to move out of state now...which was cool when my wife was for it...now she's angry and bitter about the whole thing...not making things any easier, but fuck this is what I signed up for, she knew that. What the fuck am I to do now? Wait. And not sleep.
I want to move, she doesn't...who wins? Am I going to piss off everyone above me just to appease my wife? She likes [off and on] living by her family and doesn't want to go anywhere. Fuuuuuuck.
All this means is that I might have to move out of state now...which was cool when my wife was for it...now she's angry and bitter about the whole thing...not making things any easier, but fuck this is what I signed up for, she knew that. What the fuck am I to do now? Wait. And not sleep.
I want to move, she doesn't...who wins? Am I going to piss off everyone above me just to appease my wife? She likes [off and on] living by her family and doesn't want to go anywhere. Fuuuuuuck.

...is fucking bullshit.
Made official in 1884 as a day off for the working class...now that we're more than a century into a federal holiday, all it means now is that it's a 3 day weekend for everyone not in the retail and restaurant business...and all the people who ARE off come bug the fuck out of us and bitch about there not being enough people working.
So please, if you read this in time, fuck off in advance and stay the fuck home...please don't go shopping or eat out today...the fucking country SHOULD be shut down today. I'd rather work on fucking Christmas.
Link to Wiki's page on Labor Day...

I wonder if Sen. Craig here met this gentleman in a Minnesota restroom, too? Hm...well by now almost everyone has heard of Sen. Larry Craig? Probably. Plead guilty to a misdemeanor for "Lewd Conduct". Here's a reconstruction of what happened, brought to you by the wonderful Keith Olbermann...
...so you see what happened...kept giving off the international signs for bathroom hookups [gross]...then he tried to deny it when the officer that was interviewing was questioning him about it...said his foot accidentally touched his and that he'd bent down to pick up a piece of toilet paper, not wave his hand under the stall divider. Except...oops, wrong hand...
Hypocrites...check this next one out...this is Sen. Craig berating President Clinton for his bad behavior in 1999 on Meet The Press...is it just me or is it just gross hearing Craig say "bad boy" and "naughty boy"...CREEPY OLD FUCKING MAN!
Well...I GUESS we can understand what he means when he says he's not gay...I mean obviously...HE'S not gay if the OTHER guy is blowing HIM...right??

Well, I got back from St. Louis yesterday. I have family down there where we were at...just hooked up with them Saturday night. Saturday afternoon was just spent with my sister and neices...it was nice to get everyone together I guess. My wife and I didn't get out too much...she was tired and sitting in the room...which I hate doing on vacations. We did end up getting out to see a movie..."Last of the Legion". Fucking horrible movie that it is. It was about the the only one playing as late as we went, so we paid and went. It's about how the Romans were going downhill and Caesar's sword became Excalibur over time in Britannia...horrible acting, effects, and overall movie. I thought it was a safe pick, it had Ben Kingsley in it...we've decided he must have needed a paycheck.
Are you shitting me? Dennis Moore has a challenger again...
The only way I could see Moore losing is if a Democrat ran against him...even then it'd be a hard sell to many. He's been a US Rep since '99...was the Johnson County DA from '77-'89, too. If anyone had a chance of beating him I would've thought it would be Kris [K.] Kobach [also known as KKK]. I was really worried about that until the election...you know...the one Moore won with 64% of the vote.
All that aside, Moore began as a "New Democrat" and "Blue Dog"...which means he was a pussy. A moderate pussy, yes. He voted with the Republicans quite a bit back in the day...but now since we've taken over the Congress, he's actually been voting alongside Pelosi and the new leadership. That makes Democrats happy...not so much if the Republicans in the area are paying attention, though. With that, I hope he wins this upcoming election just as handily...which shouldn't be too hard I'm assuming.
The only way I could see Moore losing is if a Democrat ran against him...even then it'd be a hard sell to many. He's been a US Rep since '99...was the Johnson County DA from '77-'89, too. If anyone had a chance of beating him I would've thought it would be Kris [K.] Kobach [also known as KKK]. I was really worried about that until the election...you know...the one Moore won with 64% of the vote.
All that aside, Moore began as a "New Democrat" and "Blue Dog"...which means he was a pussy. A moderate pussy, yes. He voted with the Republicans quite a bit back in the day...but now since we've taken over the Congress, he's actually been voting alongside Pelosi and the new leadership. That makes Democrats happy...not so much if the Republicans in the area are paying attention, though. With that, I hope he wins this upcoming election just as handily...which shouldn't be too hard I'm assuming.

"In just a matter of seconds, he goes from sticking his ex with the big six-incher to getting six inches stuck in his chest."
I thought I'd share this little tidbit of wisdom from Greg Beck this morning cause it made me laugh hard as a motherfucker...
So...I'm now home from Buzzard Beach where we yelled at a drunk lady in the parking lot for a couple of hours on and off.
She would pull her car out, almost hitting every car in the near vicinity...get out and walk around, randomly doing stretches on the fence facing Mill St...trying to get with a Limo driver for a while...then hitting on a little guy in a wheelchair...then after a while of walking around in circles, got back in her car and parked it in a different spot...then she got out and sat down in between a couple of other cars...
Then out of nowhere a "little person" [midget] drunk off his ass came stumbling through talking on his cell phone...
Old guys with young women...
Talking about snakes up guys asses...then squeaky cleaning themselves...what the fuck? I don't know.
Westport is great for people watching.
She would pull her car out, almost hitting every car in the near vicinity...get out and walk around, randomly doing stretches on the fence facing Mill St...trying to get with a Limo driver for a while...then hitting on a little guy in a wheelchair...then after a while of walking around in circles, got back in her car and parked it in a different spot...then she got out and sat down in between a couple of other cars...
Then out of nowhere a "little person" [midget] drunk off his ass came stumbling through talking on his cell phone...
Old guys with young women...
Talking about snakes up guys asses...then squeaky cleaning themselves...what the fuck? I don't know.
Westport is great for people watching.
Ugh...holy christ, I've spent the whole night revamping my iTunes playlists...I bought a new Portable Hard Drive [no jokes, fuckers...] and loaded it [again...] full of my songs to relieve my internal a little bit...so now I have to reopen everything into iTunes so it can find the path to the songs...boring fucking SHIT!
Anyway...off to Westport tonight with some friends...that should help things out a little bit!
Anyway...off to Westport tonight with some friends...that should help things out a little bit!
KC Star article...
Remind me again Mr. Bush...why are they even there? Dumbfuck is now comparing it to Vietnam...no not the way you and I would compare it...he states we can't pullout in the same fashion as Vietnam and embolden our enemies...none of the negative effects that conservatives were saying would happen in the early 70's came true, however. What's to say they would happen now...?
We accomplished what we were there to do...they are now a sovereign country, we're just occupying it...so what's the mission now? What is the overall goal? That hasn't been stated...if it's to calm the tension down, that's not going to happen. They will continue to kill themselves and our soldiers without abandon. The way I see it is either we stay and remain targets or we leave and let them work out their own government, with UN Peacekeepers trying to help ease the build up between the different factions of people wanting control of the government. They want us to go, the majority of Americans want us to go...yet our leaders aren't doing jack shit about it...ridiculous.
Remind me again Mr. Bush...why are they even there? Dumbfuck is now comparing it to Vietnam...no not the way you and I would compare it...he states we can't pullout in the same fashion as Vietnam and embolden our enemies...none of the negative effects that conservatives were saying would happen in the early 70's came true, however. What's to say they would happen now...?
We accomplished what we were there to do...they are now a sovereign country, we're just occupying it...so what's the mission now? What is the overall goal? That hasn't been stated...if it's to calm the tension down, that's not going to happen. They will continue to kill themselves and our soldiers without abandon. The way I see it is either we stay and remain targets or we leave and let them work out their own government, with UN Peacekeepers trying to help ease the build up between the different factions of people wanting control of the government. They want us to go, the majority of Americans want us to go...yet our leaders aren't doing jack shit about it...ridiculous.
Holy fucking shit...just to punctuate what I was writing about a couple of days ago [Gold Fronts.]...I picked THIS up from TKC.
Can I say again...WHY ROB YOUR OWN FUCKING NEIGHBORHOOD?! Okay, so I AM assuming a little bit here...but c'mon, it's been the motherfucking trend since I've been working in this area. Most of the motherfuckers that steal from me are homeless on Troost or Prospect and ride the bus to the area. They are completely different than the dumbshit fucks who pulled off these robberies, I'm sure. The guys who did these live in the area, live in their momma's basement and are quite a bit younger than the old crackheads we stop.
And again...all of this suspicious activity and alarm calls between 3-5:30 no more than 4 blocks from the fucking Police Station on Hillcrest! Where the fuck are the cops?!
UPDATE: They caught the dude who robbed the Courtyard Marriott at knifepoint...look down towards the end of the article...and lookee there...he lives down the street from the hotel...DUMBASSMOTHERFUCKINGPEOPLE. I mean, c'mon look at the guy...
William Kelly...
His brother...?
His cousin...?
...looks like he's straight out a low budget horror flick...has someone shrunk his head, is he one of the Geico cavemen? What the fuck is wrong with him? Good lord!
Can I say again...WHY ROB YOUR OWN FUCKING NEIGHBORHOOD?! Okay, so I AM assuming a little bit here...but c'mon, it's been the motherfucking trend since I've been working in this area. Most of the motherfuckers that steal from me are homeless on Troost or Prospect and ride the bus to the area. They are completely different than the dumbshit fucks who pulled off these robberies, I'm sure. The guys who did these live in the area, live in their momma's basement and are quite a bit younger than the old crackheads we stop.
And again...all of this suspicious activity and alarm calls between 3-5:30 no more than 4 blocks from the fucking Police Station on Hillcrest! Where the fuck are the cops?!
UPDATE: They caught the dude who robbed the Courtyard Marriott at knifepoint...look down towards the end of the article...and lookee there...he lives down the street from the hotel...DUMBASSMOTHERFUCKINGPEOPLE. I mean, c'mon look at the guy...

...looks like he's straight out a low budget horror flick...has someone shrunk his head, is he one of the Geico cavemen? What the fuck is wrong with him? Good lord!
Labels: South KC Crime
Well, Mexican hurricane victims...
You'd THINK he would be talking about KATRINA, since it's the two year anniversary of the devastation...but no...even though it's been completely underfunded...we're offfering monetary assistance to Mexico...which I know, we should be doing...but we should be CAPABLE of doing it without putting ourselves at more risk...which we aren't able to do.
You'd THINK he would be talking about KATRINA, since it's the two year anniversary of the devastation...but no...even though it's been completely underfunded...we're offfering monetary assistance to Mexico...which I know, we should be doing...but we should be CAPABLE of doing it without putting ourselves at more risk...which we aren't able to do.
Shooting at Local Jewelry Store.
Okay...I think they're using "Jewelry Store" very loosely here. The store is "KC Gold Fronts"...specializing IN, you guessed it, mounting those stylish gold fronts in people's mouths.
Located right across the highway from where I work, next to the Canaan Church, Cricket Wireless, Subway and Wendy's. This part of town is ALREADY the fucking armpit of the city, why do people insist on making it worse? I'm assuming the dumbass who did this lives in the area, cause that's how it's gone in the past.
The ACTUAL Jewelry store, Szilvasy [I know, they did mount gold fronts, but they still sold jewelry...] was robbed about a year or so ago and finally closed down. A dude was shot in the Shell parking lot a few months ago. My coworker, Dre, was shot and killed a few blocks away. Wal-Mart, Toys R Us, Best Buy, QuikTrip, Bannister Mall and many more have all closed down / relocated due to the crime in the area. It's fucking madness! You'd think there'd be a fucking cop in our parking lot ready to dispatch...or at least in the area, but there's not. There's a fucking Police Station on Hillcrest, yet we wait an hour and a half sometimes to have them come pick up a shoplifter we've caught in the store who has a vial of crack and a blade on him.
Why do people fuck up their own neighborhood...? I understand the debate about how poverty breeds fucking lowlifes...but why fuck up your own area?! There should be a fucking uprising in this goddamn town! Led by the mothers of these victims! This is something I heard at Dre's funeral! Yet nothing has really come of it...I don't understand.
All in all I'd bet the owners of KC Gold Fronts are good people. They obviously run a decent business, they were one of the few places that relocated from the Mall when it shut it's doors for good. I hope the people who did this are found, but again...KCPD...I don't have a lot of faith in them...really don't. Murderers in this town aren't held to account...I'd like to see the stats on the number of solved cases...the most recent solved case...dude shot a fucking Cop...so hell, they caught THAT mother fucker...THEN staked out his fucking FUNERAL and arrested 9 more people. What a fucking message THAT is...I like that. Fuck that guy.
Anyway, yet more shit going down on Bannister. There's a good chance the Wizards will get their own home where Bannister Mall sits, with a hotel and office park included...shit like this does NOT help things much.
Okay...I think they're using "Jewelry Store" very loosely here. The store is "KC Gold Fronts"...specializing IN, you guessed it, mounting those stylish gold fronts in people's mouths.
Located right across the highway from where I work, next to the Canaan Church, Cricket Wireless, Subway and Wendy's. This part of town is ALREADY the fucking armpit of the city, why do people insist on making it worse? I'm assuming the dumbass who did this lives in the area, cause that's how it's gone in the past.
The ACTUAL Jewelry store, Szilvasy [I know, they did mount gold fronts, but they still sold jewelry...] was robbed about a year or so ago and finally closed down. A dude was shot in the Shell parking lot a few months ago. My coworker, Dre, was shot and killed a few blocks away. Wal-Mart, Toys R Us, Best Buy, QuikTrip, Bannister Mall and many more have all closed down / relocated due to the crime in the area. It's fucking madness! You'd think there'd be a fucking cop in our parking lot ready to dispatch...or at least in the area, but there's not. There's a fucking Police Station on Hillcrest, yet we wait an hour and a half sometimes to have them come pick up a shoplifter we've caught in the store who has a vial of crack and a blade on him.
Why do people fuck up their own neighborhood...? I understand the debate about how poverty breeds fucking lowlifes...but why fuck up your own area?! There should be a fucking uprising in this goddamn town! Led by the mothers of these victims! This is something I heard at Dre's funeral! Yet nothing has really come of it...I don't understand.
All in all I'd bet the owners of KC Gold Fronts are good people. They obviously run a decent business, they were one of the few places that relocated from the Mall when it shut it's doors for good. I hope the people who did this are found, but again...KCPD...I don't have a lot of faith in them...really don't. Murderers in this town aren't held to account...I'd like to see the stats on the number of solved cases...the most recent solved case...dude shot a fucking Cop...so hell, they caught THAT mother fucker...THEN staked out his fucking FUNERAL and arrested 9 more people. What a fucking message THAT is...I like that. Fuck that guy.
Anyway, yet more shit going down on Bannister. There's a good chance the Wizards will get their own home where Bannister Mall sits, with a hotel and office park included...shit like this does NOT help things much.
Labels: Gold Fronts, South KC Crime