
KC Star article...

Remind me again Mr. Bush...why are they even there? Dumbfuck is now comparing it to Vietnam...no not the way you and I would compare it...he states we can't pullout in the same fashion as Vietnam and embolden our enemies...none of the negative effects that conservatives were saying would happen in the early 70's came true, however. What's to say they would happen now...?

We accomplished what we were there to do...they are now a sovereign country, we're just occupying it...so what's the mission now? What is the overall goal? That hasn't been stated...if it's to calm the tension down, that's not going to happen. They will continue to kill themselves and our soldiers without abandon. The way I see it is either we stay and remain targets or we leave and let them work out their own government, with UN Peacekeepers trying to help ease the build up between the different factions of people wanting control of the government. They want us to go, the majority of Americans want us to go...yet our leaders aren't doing jack shit about it...ridiculous.

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