
So...I'm now home from Buzzard Beach where we yelled at a drunk lady in the parking lot for a couple of hours on and off.

She would pull her car out, almost hitting every car in the near vicinity...get out and walk around, randomly doing stretches on the fence facing Mill St...trying to get with a Limo driver for a while...then hitting on a little guy in a wheelchair...then after a while of walking around in circles, got back in her car and parked it in a different spot...then she got out and sat down in between a couple of other cars...

Then out of nowhere a "little person" [midget] drunk off his ass came stumbling through talking on his cell phone...

Old guys with young women...

Talking about snakes up guys asses...then squeaky cleaning themselves...what the fuck? I don't know.

Westport is great for people watching.

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