

I wonder if Sen. Craig here met this gentleman in a Minnesota restroom, too? Hm...well by now almost everyone has heard of Sen. Larry Craig? Probably. Plead guilty to a misdemeanor for "Lewd Conduct". Here's a reconstruction of what happened, brought to you by the wonderful Keith Olbermann...

...so you see what happened...kept giving off the international signs for bathroom hookups [gross]...then he tried to deny it when the officer that was interviewing was questioning him about it...said his foot accidentally touched his and that he'd bent down to pick up a piece of toilet paper, not wave his hand under the stall divider. Except...oops, wrong hand...

Hypocrites...check this next one out...this is Sen. Craig berating President Clinton for his bad behavior in 1999 on Meet The Press...is it just me or is it just gross hearing Craig say "bad boy" and "naughty boy"...CREEPY OLD FUCKING MAN!

Well...I GUESS we can understand what he means when he says he's not gay...I mean obviously...HE'S not gay if the OTHER guy is blowing HIM...right??


Well, I got back from St. Louis yesterday. I have family down there where we were at...just hooked up with them Saturday night. Saturday afternoon was just spent with my sister and neices...it was nice to get everyone together I guess. My wife and I didn't get out too much...she was tired and sitting in the room...which I hate doing on vacations. We did end up getting out to see a movie..."Last of the Legion". Fucking horrible movie that it is. It was about the the only one playing as late as we went, so we paid and went. It's about how the Romans were going downhill and Caesar's sword became Excalibur over time in Britannia...horrible acting, effects, and overall movie. I thought it was a safe pick, it had Ben Kingsley in it...we've decided he must have needed a paycheck.